Culinary Horoscope today
You should not resist temptation if it is aimed directly at conquering your stomach. Honestly, sometimes you can allow yourself a little weakness in the form of Mediterranean lobster or tiger prawns with good white wine. And the main thing here is to approach the process of consuming the delicacy in a moderately hungry state, so as not to devour it in the blink of an eye.
This day, it is good for abstract thoughts about food and writing treatises on cooking than for practical classes both for food consumption and cooking. But if you can do without cooking somehow, then without food is unlikely. Try to eat more modest, you don’t need anything monumental, like a deer or meter sturgeon. Eat a couple of cutlets with pasta and okay.
Today you are quite capable of preparing something edible on your own, you just need to try and choose the right ingredients. With a certain amount of courage and self-confidence, you can even turn to exotic dishes, but be careful. Fly agarics or, for example, fugu fish are, of course, delicacies, but if not prepared correctly, they can poison you.
By dinner, the stars recommend a bottle of good wine today. And they advise you to make at least minimal efforts to ensure that lunch will go through a friendly, quiet and calm atmosphere. The main thing is no haste, no nerves and no business conversations. Digging is strictly impossible to interfere.
Today, most likely, you won’t be able to spend much time eating, and eating on the run, dry, choking and not getting any pleasure from the process is not our method. It’s better to save money on work or sleep, and if this is not possible, arrange a fasting day for yourself. As long as you have some fruit at hand, don’t chew anything at all - it’s harmful to your jaws.
Whatever you have for lunch today, be it chicken broth made from Galina Blanca cubes or sturgeon kebab, the dessert should definitely be cheese cake with strawberry sauce. And there is no need to laugh and claim that such animals do not exist in nature. Even as they exist, one might say, they not only exist, but are just waiting for that happy moment for them when you find out about them.
Go away from the table before you have time to seriously damage your body with the impossible amount of food that you can and, apparently, intend to eat. Remove a little, until about midnight, then you can start continuing the banquet. Preference should be given to dishes with fish components, salads such as mimosa and flood.
Do not underestimate the importance of politeness in communicating with employees of the institution where you usually feed. Today, the word inadvertently said, perhaps even addressed to a completely different person, can greatly spoil your relationship with service staff, and he, in turn, can ruin the pleasure of meals. Be silent - it will be tastier.
This day is good for hot personalities and fiery signs. Eat something sharp. This is not, of course, to burn with a fire within a day after eating, and so - for half an hour -hour. Well, if you don’t want to eat or cannot, give preference to the most hot dishes. The cooled to eat is not worth it in any case.
If you don’t like anything about where you came to satisfy your hunger, then you have come to the wrong place. Look and you will find, especially since meat in spicy sauce, which should be preferred to everything else today, is also not served everywhere, you will have to run for it. Just don’t settle for a trivial steak with mustard - this is an inadequate substitute for what ideally awaits you.
Today you should be more attention to your health. Do not eat in drafts, do not eat ice cream and do not drink cold lemonade in the cold, if something is not recommended for you, it means that today this is completely impossible, under any kind. At the same time, for prevention, you can exclude fatty, acute and salty and, of course, alcohol. It is a little of the edible that will remain in the list after the introduction of these restrictions to eat a little, but often.
You haven't thought about preventive starvation in the morning today? And in vain - a great thing. In addition, this day is the best suited for this not too pleasant, but, without a doubt, a useful procedure. Only now it will be difficult to resist the gastronomic temptations surrounding you, try to go around the places of accumulation of delicious food away.
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