Culinary Horoscope today

Culinary Horoscope today, 27 July
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Your main task today will be the need to understand your own desires. The body may unambiguously hint that it wants something, but at the same time you will be left guessing about what exactly it needed. While the lack of the required product will not allow you to think about anything else. You will have to try the entire range offered - we recommend looking for a buffet.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Rum around your refrigerator. It may well be that something quite tasty was lying there, quite by accident, just waiting to be eaten as soon as possible (before it has time to spoil). Isn't it lying around? Then immediately pick up your feet and go... Where? In fact, it doesn't matter at all. The main thing is that they don’t have time to eat everything there.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

Do not cook or eat anything today that you have doubts about its usefulness for your body. It is not the food itself that will cause harm, but this very uncertainty.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Close doors and windows tightly, turn off phones, draw curtains. Today, completely uninvited guests may begin to attract wonderful smells from your kitchen in the most mystical way.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

If a pizza doesn't contain cheese, it's not pizza. If the pizza contains a lot of cheese, it is a good pizza. If they put a lot of cheese on the pizza, firstly, and, secondly, several different varieties, it means that it is a very good pizza. So, on this wonderful day, don’t allow yourself to be fed any kind of pizza, except for a very good one!

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

Representatives of your zodiac sign should not eat meat, dairy and even fish products today. That is, scientifically speaking, it makes sense to arrange a fasting day for yourself. So drink juices, walk more in the fresh air and don’t forget to eat something from time to time. A crust of bread, for example. Or lean cabbage soup (without sour cream, of course). Or you can even treat yourself to a vegetable stew.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

You shouldn't go to the kitchen if for some reason you don't want to. You can’t cook through “I can’t” today; it’s better to eat something store-bought. It's another matter if the mood allows it...

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

If your financial capabilities allow you to spend a little money, and your mind does not resist the process of throwing it away on food, treat yourself to Russian pancakes with various delicacies, such as sturgeon caviar, salmon... However, pancakes can be prepared at home, if only you have time. And replace the salmon with regular herring. It will, of course, be a little worse, but it will still be delicious.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Your lunch today may turn out to be such that after it you will need at least half an hour of rest in complete peace and comfort, preferably reclining. If the rhythm of life absolutely cannot allow this for you, you will have to somewhat limit yourself in the activity of consuming food, especially meat.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

If you know that toothpaste is not only toothpaste, today will be a very good day for you. At least in a culinary sense. Enjoy spaghetti with seafood cocktail and white wine sauce. But under no circumstances try to swallow this dish at cosmic speed - haste, as you know, is good only when catching fleas and similar nasty insects.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

Trust your intuition, it will not let you down. If today she suddenly refuses to take part in eating what was ordered, or demands that a completely specific product be taken into her body, this is not without reason. It’s better to obey, especially since the stars recommend mushrooms for this day.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

And even if no one brings “scows full of mullet” to your city, it is quite possible to find this wonderful fish in stores and markets. Sometimes you can find it in restaurants, although for some reason they increasingly specialize in trout and sturgeon. If you have time in the evening, look for it. And may you be surprised by the number of fish bones found in your rather large portion.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow