Horoscope for Taurus today
Today you have every chance to expose yourself to a fool, and completely voluntarily and without outside help. If you are not a clown, it is better not to appear in public.
You are sad. You're nostalgic. You want to return to where it was light, good and joyful, but in the future you don’t see such colors. Don't worry: they will definitely come. Smile at your today, even through your tears, and believe in a happy tomorrow that will definitely come.
It is time to raise the idea - the confrontation time has ended. You can take off the armor at all - today no one will encroach on your benefit, nor on your position, nor anything else that you would not want to share.
Today, the luminaries do not recommend you to abuse physical activity. A light warm -up, unreleal charging, a short run - but no endurance exercises! You now categorically cannot work for wear - the body is not ready for this.
Today you will want to surprise your partner not only with a romantic dinner, but also with something new. Try lighting scented candles in your bedroom or adding new silk sheets. By the way, you can read aloud some erotic literature, for example the traditional version of the Kama Sutra. In the original.
This day, it is good for abstract thoughts about food and writing treatises on cooking than for practical classes both for food consumption and cooking. But if you can do without cooking somehow, then without food is unlikely. Try to eat more modest, you don’t need anything monumental, like a deer or meter sturgeon. Eat a couple of cutlets with pasta and okay.
- Personality
- Finance
- Love
- Dangers
- Family
- Education
- Trips
- Health
- Work
- Friends
- Constellation
- Taurus
- Period
- April 20 — May 20
- Element
- Land
- Affects
- Venus
- Talisman Stones
- Amazonite or amethyst, aventurine or agate, jasper and quartz
Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow