Zodiac sign Taurus

Horoscope for Taurus for yesterday


Your honesty is disarming. Moreover, it confuses people and puts them in an awkward position. Think about whether this is the effect you really want to achieve.


For you, Taurus, this day will likely be marked by new purchases for the benefit of the family. Heaven is disposed to ensure that these acquisitions are related to clothes and shoes. Buy your spouse boots (shoes) made of crocodile skin - this will immediately make him kinder! Don’t skimp on yourself today either.


Don't despair today. Even if it seems that the sky above your head is covered with clouds, the sun still continues to shine above them, which will appear exactly when it is absolutely necessary. Help will come from where you didn’t expect it, don’t doubt it!


On this day, you should protect your knees and elbows from blows, bruises, dislocations and similar unpleasant impacts, which will most likely be inevitable if you are going to roller skate, for example.


Today you shouldn’t engage in self-deception and exaggerate your own endurance. If you need to get enough sleep today before an important meeting scheduled for the morning, then it is better to fall asleep peacefully and refuse sex.


Today you don’t have to try to take on the role of toastmaster - no one at the table will laugh at your jokes. So much the better - you will have the opportunity to calmly take care of the contents of your own plate. Moreover, if you listen to the advice of the stars and decide to try sturgeon with walnut sauce or a steak made from salmon marinated in wine, this activity will clearly be more pleasant than chatting.

Luck day
  • Personality
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Finance
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Love
    good good bad bad bad
  • Dangers
    good good bad bad bad
  • Family
    good good good good good
  • Education
    good good bad bad bad
  • Trips
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Health
    good good bad bad bad
  • Work
    good good bad bad bad
  • Friends
    good good good bad bad

April 20 — May 20
Talisman Stones
Amazonite or amethyst, aventurine or agate, jasper and quartz

“One of the most balanced signs of the Zodiac. Character traits of Taurus are patience, hard work, practicality, life wisdom, leisure, love of pleasure and stubbornness.”

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow