Erotic Horoscope today

Erotic Horoscope today, 27 July
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Today you will find a lot of useful things for yourself, and also an ideal partner for an ideal intimate relationship, if you don’t have one yet, as well as an ideal contraceptive, the optimal position for receiving the greatest pleasure - in general, the main thing is attentiveness.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

On this day you will be quite sad, even if love games exceed all your expectations. Apparently, sex will not be enough for you to feel like a truly necessary, interesting and useful person. Think about what can help you.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

The stars tell Gemini that they should put their excessive passion on the altar of the beauty of their body today and go to the gym! There, throw out all the accumulated dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with your partners on your health, free up your inner space. And think hard about the common truth: a holy place is never empty...

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Cancers will probably forget about sex as such in the coming days, giving themselves over to work or other new experiences. Today they definitely cannot be stirred up by any tricks - except perhaps by taking them by surprise or giving them a good drink, and then “presenting them with a fact”, or rather, carefully laying them down in front of him?..

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Only an optimistic attitude and self-confidence will help you and your partner reach the very edge of the abyss, beyond which pleasure begins. As soon as you doubt your strength for even a second, they will leave you, far away and for a long time. Therefore, it is better to overestimate yourself than to underestimate yourself.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

On this day, you can draw many false conclusions from your partner’s erotic actions, each of which will either overly please you or also overly upset you. And, mind you, without any reason whatsoever. So just accept everything as it is and don’t philosophize.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Not the best day for flirting and solving problems on the love front. It’s best to sit quietly somewhere in a corner with a book or knitting in your hands, and tell your boyfriend that you’re sick. If he comes rushing to “treat” you, he will actually have to pretend to be a sufferer. However, you will like it...

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

On this day, you will realize that the best of your intimate relationships is yet to come for you and your partner. It will be quite difficult for you to determine what exactly is the best: you will not be able to list them point by point, but your imagination will work in the right direction. The main thing is not to disturb her.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

On this day, the stars recommend paying attention to a representative of the opposite sex who will stand next to you on public transport on the way to or from work. Perhaps the evening can be continued in a more comfortable place and in a more horizontal position.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Today, even the simplest manipulations with scales, compasses and other measuring instruments can literally bring you to the point where your knees are trembling, when you have very little strength to control your desires. In extreme cases, a ruler and an ardent desire to measure all the “household” of your loved one with millimeter accuracy will do...

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

According to the stars, today you may find yourself in someone else’s arms completely by accident. And not at all from a crazy desire and irresistible attraction to a given subject, but out of obligation. It is also possible that this is the only way to pay for the sympathy that was once shown towards you. Although gratitude has never stopped anyone from experiencing a violent orgasm...

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

If someone takes pity on you today, this does not mean at all that this gesture of goodwill will be made with the aim of luring you into bed. Even if you suddenly really want to believe the opposite. Therefore, if you really like your comforter as a potential intimate partner, you will have to come up with something more attractive to attract his attention than a life tragedy.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow