Erotic Horoscope today

Erotic Horoscope today, 22 October
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

A little hot wine today won't hurt you or your partner. True intimacy will also arise through the exchange of equally hot kisses. Or you can combine two pleasant processes. Just take a sip of wine and drink your partner mouth to mouth. This way you will share your heat and make your love even more juicy.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Taurus people are very smiling today, and this will become the main attractive factor for the men around you. It is possible that gentlemen much older than you will pay attention to you, to whom you will resemble a daughter, or, well, a niece. It is not known how they are doing with sex, but they are definitely able to treat you to ice cream!

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

It's time to remember your school or college friends. You haven’t seen each other for so long that, in the wake of nostalgia, the person you’ve had your eye on for a long time may have other, more passionate feelings, as well as more outspoken desires. If you really wouldn't mind rekindling them, write to him or call him.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Today you will be in an extremely romantic mood, you will want to do stupid things: kiss in the rain, tickle each other in bed, or draw on your loved one. And also give flowers, gifts and receive full reciprocity. That's good, so do this.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Today your beloved will surprise you with increased talkativeness in bed. You will find out how beautiful your body is, how good it feels, as well as the whole list of your most beautiful places. This may seem quite unexpected, but not bad. In general, try to get used to the new conditions.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

It is quite possible that Capricorns will prefer to spend the evening alone today, if, of course, they have such an opportunity. Today your emotional fatigue will make itself felt, so do not deny yourself the desire to relax a little: you can take a walk after work, sit in a cafe, masturbate in the bathroom...

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Astrologers recommend for Libra to give yourself and your body rest and not follow your partner’s lead, indulging his sexual desires. In the end, intimacy “out of a sense of duty” most likely will not bring much pleasure to either you or him.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Scorpios today are visited by the most unbridled fantasies on the topic of incest. Of course, they don’t talk about this in polite society (and rarely in indecent ones), but still, incest was and remains one of the most burning sexual fantasies. So if she comes to you today, don’t be alarmed, you are not alone!

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

The day promises great opportunities, but there will be many more than you can handle. So distribute your time so as to win on all fronts: both in business and with your beloved. Moreover, if things don’t go well, then go straight to the beloved, and if there are problems with the beloved, then go to business.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Have you ever been fascinated by the epistolary genre? If not, then in vain. Interesting and sometimes deep thoughts fit perfectly on paper, but even better are your experiences and impressions. Today, judging by the stars, you will want to share your sensual experiences with someone, and in the smallest intimate details. Take measures to ensure that your essay does not come across to anyone who does not need it, but do not destroy the letters, even if they are not sent. Who knows, maybe your first erotic novel will be published as a result...

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

For Aquarius, today may turn out to be very militant and decisive, which cannot be said about their behavior in bed. Angry lionesses and tigresses immediately turn into affectionate kittens, you just need to stroke them a little on the back and scratch them behind the ears...

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Pisces today are very scandalous people, and they will be sexually attracted to equally bitchy and even conflict-ridden people. Therefore, it is possible that your intimacy today will be more like a fight between predators in the sultry Sahara.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow