Erotic Horoscope for yesterday
Aries are already capable of driving anyone crazy, and today they seem even more irresistible. That's because they wore a shimmery dress again and lined their eyes with glittery eyeliner. And now most men follow you, as if spellbound, anywhere, trying to unravel the Great Mystery of your Femininity...
Literature with an erotic connotation looks extremely attractive to Taurus today. In this case, the artistic value of a particular work naturally fades into the background. You may be equally interested in Bunin's prose and anonymous works of piquant content.
Today your erotic fantasies will take a serious turn. As they say, you will think so loudly that your partner simply will not be able to hear it. But don’t worry, it’s not clear for what reasons, but they will meet you, which means there will be a holiday on your street.
Today your partner will seek your affection in a very interesting way. For example, instead of once again saying how much he cares about you, he will brag about his connections, clothes, and even his smile. Don't be angry, it's better to agree that he is irresistible.
Today you will find amazingly emotional sex. All circumstances will turn out surprisingly romantic, so as you indulge in passion by candlelight, you will hear that you are the best creature on earth, that you are endlessly loved and valued. The main thing is not to cry, otherwise they will misinterpret it and die of grief.
Sagittarians can’t sit at home today, so they will also prefer to have sex in places that bear little resemblance to a bedroom. At the same time, during intimacy, Virgos will most likely try with all their might to provoke their partner, if not into cruelty, then at least into a little “cat-like” aggression.
Today your partner will surprise you with sexual enthusiasm. And foreplay, and caresses, and the main process - everything will be at its best. So after everything, you won’t even have the strength to talk. But you need to lie down, calm down and repeat - in order to fall asleep in the deepest, most satisfied sleep.
On this day, your partner will very carefully prepare for love games, thinking them through from start to finish, down to every sexual movement and every pose. Therefore, try not to interfere with his script, unless it contains such a clause as “partner improvisation”
Sagittarius today is recommended to pay attention to loved ones and get out somewhere, preferably away from home. But sexual pleasures today are clearly not for you, or you are not for them. In any case, if you believe the stars, the picture of your energy flows will look very dim, which will affect both the sensuality of your body and your mood.
Don't give your partner advice on what to do with you and when. Especially directly in the process of love games. Even if this used to excite him or at least not irritate him, today you will not be able to avoid a quarrel about this. Believe me, your partner knows perfectly well what to do even without instructions.
On this day, your partner will meet all your requirements for an ideal lover. And this despite the fact that you will not demand absolutely anything from him, which has never happened to you before. Maybe you should continue to be undemanding towards your partners?..
On this day, your partner will be interested in the motives of your sexual behavior and the reasons for choosing one or another of his tactics. Perhaps he will dig even deeper than necessary, which will distract him from direct sexual activity. This cannot but be upsetting.
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