Erotic Horoscope for tomorrow

Erotic Horoscope for tomorrow, 28 July
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

All Aries needs today is to take a minute or two and imagine themselves as a sweet and juicy pear, flowing from its own ripeness. That's all! Well, maybe you can also whisper about it to your boyfriend so that he can also taste you...

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

The worst thing that can happen to Taurus today is a feeling of alienation and boredom that covers you during intimacy. This can be completely avoided if you spend time communicating and spiritually bonding with your partner before having sex. For example, you can tell each other some particularly vivid impressions from your childhood...

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

Gemini will probably spend most of the day today in bed, and it will be almost impossible to get them out of there before three. However, the only thing for which representatives of this zodiac sign will be ready to open their beautiful eyes is, of course, sex.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

How long have you played hide and seek, blind man's buff, and tag? A long time ago? Today you will have to remember your childhood, because the situation in your bed requires playful release. Cheerful running around from each other will greatly invigorate your dull everyday life and help you cultivate a passion that is far from childish.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Today passion will overwhelm you in the morning. Of course, some people think that love in the morning is more crumpled and quick. But if you don’t like to do exercises, but need to cheer up, then this is what you need. In addition, your beloved will fully support you in your endeavors.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

Virgos today are attracted to representatives of their own sex, and even in their clothes they unconsciously choose more strict tones and styles, and their behavior takes on characteristic masculine features. This is probably another mask that you will want to try on during your erotic “role play”.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Today, Libras tend to conserve their strength and prepare for the next work week, so they won’t show much enthusiasm when their partner proposes sex. Unless, out of a sense of marital duty, they dutifully substitute the necessary parts of the body, while simultaneously thinking about those things that they did not have time to complete...

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Today, Scorpios may have nervous breakdowns and attempts to find balance at the expense of others, using them for pleasure. It’s no wonder that today you are avoided a mile away by everyone you are going to get too close to. It’s better to be alone - then you won’t have to regret what you did...

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarians today look at the world with distrust and suspicion, which cannot but affect their sexual tone: it is unlikely that you are going to conquer anyone these days and drag them into a secluded corner. And if your partner openly hints at sex to you first, then you will completely send the “pervert” to distant lands.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

They say that there is even such a concept - “friendly sex”. If you seriously decide to play love with your friend (we won’t go into the reasons for such a decision), then games can go that far. Well, then something else will be added to the usual erotic sensations. And what exactly - you will tell us tomorrow, okay?

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

Even the most erotic lingerie and the most amazing striptease will not evoke any desires in your partner, except, perhaps, one thing: to send you out of the room or from the house. But this is only while he is busy with Vital Matters. Wait for him to finish them - and boldly go into battle! Fortunately, you already have your weapon at the ready.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Today Pisces may receive a very tempting offer from an old admirer. However, the stars do not advise giving in to temptation - sex will not bring pleasure, and the mood for the evening can be irrevocably spoiled. Our stellar advice is to go within yourself today and turn off your cell phone.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow