Culinary Horoscope for yesterday

Culinary Horoscope for yesterday, 21 October
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Your stomach is in serious danger. Today he will be oh so vulnerable and tender. So think ten times before stuffing him with various delicious but difficult-to-digest dishes. Keep it simple. No, you don’t understand... Even simpler... For example, cabbage soup will suit you just right. No, not necessarily fasting. Moreover, with meat, no matter what they say, it tastes much better.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

The first half of the day promises to be very favorable for preparing herring (preferably smoked) under a fur coat. The second, as you might guess, is for eating it. If it suddenly turns out that you were terribly busy the entire first half of the day, don’t despair, go visit someone in the evening. What if they actually prepared it there? And maybe even with apples?

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

Today is a great day for experimenting with diets whose goal is weight loss. Losing weight these days will be a pleasure, unless, of course, you choose some particularly harsh method. But even if the prospect of losing weight is not part of your plans, now it’s worth eating fruits and grains. At least for preventative reasons.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

The simpler the result of your stay in the kitchen, the better. Today it is recommended to give up frills and save time and effort on cooking.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Time to turn to the preparations made in the summer-autumn period. Have you prepared anything? It doesn’t matter - pickled mushrooms, pickled cucumbers and pickled lingonberries will most likely be found in the restaurant where you go for lunch, and will make an excellent company with the meat that you order for yourself. How could it really not be found? You'll have to look for another restaurant, if you can still get by without lingonberries and cucumbers today, then mushrooms on the table are an absolutely mandatory condition.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

The further you wander today in search of a restaurant or cafe worthy of the honor of feeding you, the greater the chance that you will spend a rather pleasant hour and a half there. The preferred meat is lamb; for a side dish it is best to take green peas, only fresh and not canned. Salads are not advisable as an appetizer; it is better to order an assortment of fresh vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, raw champignons.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Today you will have everything you could wish for to the best of your imagination. Perhaps in other aspects this is not bad, but in the culinary aspect you will have to exercise some caution. Or get a group of very hungry friends in advance, because eating so much alone would not only be difficult, but also quite dangerous for your health.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

You will be so busy with yourself and your successes that you may completely forget about the need to occasionally communicate with others and especially with loved ones. Today is just such a day when this very communication will go especially well with a light but nutritious lunch (or dinner - as you have time) in the French style, certainly with red wine and a rose in a vase on the table.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Today in general is better to devote to eating, drinking, sleeping and other simple and non-tiring and reliable ways of storing energy. Well, if you have everything scheduled down to the minute, and you won’t be able to spend the day in idleness, try to choose, if possible, more energy-dense foods, such as meat, milk, eggs. Today you should under no circumstances live on fruits or vegetables alone.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

And even if no one brings “scows full of mullet” to your city, it is quite possible to find this wonderful fish in stores and markets. Sometimes you can find it in restaurants, although for some reason they increasingly specialize in trout and sturgeon. If you have time in the evening, look for it. And may you be surprised by the number of fish bones found in your rather large portion.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

Today you will probably have a reason to cry a little. The stars claim that the reason will be onions.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Nowadays, you are categorically contraindicated from self-abuse in gastronomic terms. Forget about any “don’ts” and “musts”. There is only one active word - “I want”. Unwanted food today will not be absorbed by the body, and going completely hungry is cruel to it, and also pointless.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow