Culinary Horoscope for yesterday

Culinary Horoscope for yesterday, 26 July
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Would you like to take a chance today and try some new and unusual dish? Let's say, some national cuisine, the very existence of which you have never heard of until today. The stars say that, most likely, the risk will be more than justified - so there is no need to place an ambulance under the windows for prevention. Just keep in mind that what is good today may not be to your taste at all tomorrow.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Today you don’t have to try to take on the role of toastmaster - no one at the table will laugh at your jokes. So much the better - you will have the opportunity to calmly take care of the contents of your own plate. Moreover, if you listen to the advice of the stars and decide to try sturgeon with walnut sauce or a steak made from salmon marinated in wine, this activity will clearly be more pleasant than chatting.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

Today it is recommended to give your overworked stomach a rest. Don't eat heavy or spicy foods. Try to eat right for at least one day - in the morning, not sandwiches, but porridge, for lunch - first, second, third, and don’t forget about compote. And dinner should generally be given to the enemy. Well, everything like that. I would also like to play sports - but this is from a different horoscope.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Today you may have to face a lot of small, but unpleasant obstacles on the way to the coveted piece of meat or, at worst, poultry. It’s probably not worth it to rush to eat for a slave, because there will be even greater obstacles on the way to her, and she won’t give your body much satiety now. We can only hope that you will honorably overcome obstacles in the form of untimely phone calls, urgent matters, and so on and so forth.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

This day may bring you some loss. However, not too serious. Most likely, it will be purely emotional, but it can easily cause a desire to relieve one’s frustration. Nowadays it is not recommended to use beer for this purpose; among strong drinks, it is better to prefer gin to tequila and peppercorn to rum. Meat should serve as a snack (and where would we go without it). Pork would be nice.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

A lot of food needs to be prepared today. Not necessarily different, although, of course, some change of dishes is welcome, the main idea of ​​this day is the opportunity to feed an expanded composition of eaters compared to the standard one.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Today you may have the opportunity to try something completely incredible. Maybe candied spiders. Or fried jerboas. Or pickled snakes. Don’t refuse - when will you get such a chance again... But, just in case, keep your phone handy - what if it “doesn’t work”? Food poisoning is, you know, a serious thing.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

What exactly you and your friends decide to eat for lunch today will directly determine how the rest of the day will go. Therefore, please do not forget to order broth with profiteroles and meat zrazy with onions. Perhaps someone will argue and resist, but do not believe him. The stars believe that this particular choice will be the only correct one today.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

There is reason to believe that this day will be very successful for you financially. It's worth celebrating - stock up on champagne and a box of chocolates. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to arrange a more substantial banquet, you can at least slam a cork into the ceiling, and those around you will not refuse to sip some sparkling wine for your success.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Nowadays you need to be extremely gentle and careful with your body. You should not eat anything that could in any way impede his life. It would be better to go on a diet altogether while he is so vulnerable - why do you need unnecessary problems? Eat weak chicken broth with rice and a salad of fresh apples and carrots.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

You should take your menu choice today as seriously as possible. Yes, it can be very, very difficult, but frivolous dishes like strawberries and cream are completely unacceptable these days. And, believe me, your stomach, unlike your brain, thinks exactly this way. So forget about the cream and urgently order something like Greek mullet.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

The present day is not suitable for walking on beaten paths. Therefore, do not even think about going to eat where you have already been, and do not order something that you have already tried. You should look for a place where you have never set foot before and a dish whose taste you have not yet tasted on your tongue. Go ahead, we hope the search won’t take too long.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow