Culinary Horoscope for yesterday

Culinary Horoscope for yesterday, 18 February
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Today in your diet there must certainly be dairy products. And preferably - more. Try to start a day with a buns with cinnamon and a glass of milk (you can’t drink milk - replace with a fermented or kefir), order a curd or yogurt cake at dinner for dessert, you can dine with potatoes baked in cream. You can have a bite between meals with cheese.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

You have every chance to enjoy an extremely tasty dinner if you do not go to the first or third restaurant or cafe that you met on the way. The even numbers are preferred. For the same reason, the number of dishes, you must also be even. You can eat anything today, and fried vegetables are preferred to the side dish, first of all, potatoes, the battles and tapinamybur will also be good.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20

Today you can afford to be somewhat old -fashioned. Firstly, this will add to you unique charm, secondly, the culinary expression of your old -fashionedness promises to be very successful. In fact, the Old Testament donuts with strawberry jam, or some kind of salmon, noticeably tastier than the rubber marmalade and hamburger, which characterize today's days.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Today you should not suffer from the problem of choice, there is even this choice between the varieties of ice cream that you are going to eat quickly, since you still run past the ice creampie. Let someone else do it for you, you just just repeat his order. So, you should not go in search of food alone.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

The present day is especially successful in order to eat dumplings or their closest relatives - mantami. Not from a bag, of course, but real handmade, with properly cooked meat from thin dough. Eat with sour cream, at worst (well, what to do, you can’t argue with the habit) - with vinegar. But in no case with ketchup or mayonnaise.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

Who said that canned food is the destiny of business trips and abandoned husbands? Nonsense! Conducted food is also extremely tasty and nutritious, especially if you approach its preparation with a well -known fantasy. Again - depending on what kind of canned food. Crab meat, for example, is very good, and there is no need to talk about caviar. In general, the range for choosing the stars is set very wide and completely uninhabited for gourmets.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Today it will be useful to pay close attention to the appearance of food. Its taste qualities are secondary, although it is also not worth discounting them completely.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Today you will have to communicate a lot and it is extremely important that this communication takes place in a more or less relaxed environment. Therefore, find a restaurant (certainly small) with a cozy interior and a pleasant hearing music (stars recommend jazz) and invite the interlocutor to dinner. Or for dinner - depending on the content of the conversation.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Representatives of your zodiac sign today do not have to eat meat, dairy and even fish products. That is, according to scientific speaking, it makes sense to arrange a fasting day for yourself. So drink juices, walk more in the fresh air and do not forget to eat something from time to time. A crust of bread, for example. Or lean cabbage soup (without sour cream, of course). Or you can even pamper yourself with vegetable stew.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Forget about etiquette, education and other conventions. Today, stars recommend behaving the way you want. Including at the table. Well, if you are embarrassed to follow your desires in public, provide yourself with a chamber environment. The right, the pleasure that you get from such a meal costs the efforts spent on its organization.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18

Today, in general, it is better to devote to food, drink, sleep and other simple and tireless and reliable ways to store energy. Well, if you have everything scheduled for a minute, and you will not be able to spend a day in idleness, try to choose more energetically valuable products, such as meat, milk, eggs as possible. Sitting on only fruits or vegetables today should not be in any case.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Today, drinks will be of particular importance. Pay maximum attention to the issue of choosing fluids with which you intend to drink your body. Avoid citrus fruits, it is better for them to prefer apple, pear or plum. Fans of more serious drinks are strongly recommended to limit themselves to beer or table wine, if you do not want to be beer.


Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow