Virgo horoscope for the day after tomorrow
Today you will have to compromise, otherwise the same trouble may happen to you as to the old woman (meaning the one who was left with nothing). By moderating your ambitions, you may well get richer results.
Be careful! It is quite possible that today, when you open the door, real happiness is hidden behind it! So before you reach out to the doorknob, smile and expect the best! And then this best thing will smile at you across the threshold and, having carefully wiped its feet, will enter your life.
If you don’t urgently come up with something new and original, then the business you’re currently working on will most likely be a complete fiasco. You need to try very hard to find such an extraordinary solution that will immediately attract attention to your project.
Nowadays, you will especially benefit from various relaxation procedures, as well as a relaxing massage. They will help you restore strength and peace of mind after a hard day.
On this day, you should behave carefree and spontaneously, be as natural and as lively as possible. Only in this case will it be easy and interesting for your partner to be in your company, understand you and admire you. And experience the most real and sincere passion for you.
- Personality
- Finance
- Love
- Dangers
- Family
- Education
- Trips
- Health
- Work
- Friends
- Constellation
- Virgo
- Period
- August 23 — September 22
- Element
- Land
- Affects
- Mercury
- Talisman Stones
- Agate, malachite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, carnelian, moonstone, jasper, aventurine, jade and amethyst.
Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow