Scorpio horoscope for tomorrow
Change today's long-established pattern of actions. If you have breakfast in the kitchen, go into the room with the plate, and so on. By acting in this spirit, you may notice something very interesting that you had never seen before.
Today you should not unquestioningly believe anyone, no matter what he says. Before you take what you hear at face value, use logic, or even better, check with the logic of your loved one. And only if everything suggests that you have been told the truth, accept it.
There is no need to dramatize the situation today. Don’t make any important decisions, now you are too impressionable to think adequately. It’s better to wait a little and soon you will see that all the problems turned out to be much less significant than you thought.
Nowadays no difficulties can ruin your mood! Keep it up! After all, a positive attitude will already help you cope with various minor ailments.
Today you will want to make certain adjustments to your partner’s intimate behavior, force him to do something differently, caress you more tenderly or more frantically, come up with more interesting poses... And yet, he is, first of all, him. Appreciate his right to identity!
Today, the color red will be especially gastronomically important for you. Meat or fish in tomato sauce goes much better than in any other sauce. For salads, vinaigrette is preferred, and for drinks, tomato juice or red wine. And a fresh tomato to boot. Oh yes, we almost forgot about red fish, red caviar, crayfish and shrimp. Now you can eat.
- Personality
- Finance
- Love
- Dangers
- Family
- Education
- Trips
- Health
- Work
- Friends
- Constellation
- Scorpio
- Period
- October 23 — November 21
- Element
- Water
- Affects
- Mars
- Talisman Stones
- Tourmaline, alexandrite, garnet, opal, sapphire, pearl, topaz, coral and emerald.
Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow