Zodiac sign Sagittarius

Horoscope for Sagittarius for yesterday


Today you will know the answers to all questions. Be supportive of others, do not hide your knowledge from them.


No matter how many friends you have, your loved one is the most precious thing you have, so you need to protect him like the apple of your eye, and protect your relationship like a golden egg from a playful mouse. On this day, be especially reverent and attentive: your treasure is more fragile than you think.


Today your personal life will come into conflict with your public life. Perhaps even literally: the people you depend on at home and at work can meet and talk about you. It's unlikely you need it.


Nowadays, try not to let illnesses break you, gather all your will into a fist, now you simply cannot get sick. If you know your most vulnerable positions, then take the necessary measures.


No matter how big the city you live in, it still doesn’t exclude the possibility that you and your partner will meet in the most unexpected place. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will suddenly have to find yourself in someone's arms.


Nowadays, before ordering this or that dish, try to think carefully and thoughtfully. Do you really want to try something completely unknown to you? Moreover, it is by no means cheap. Perhaps it makes sense to give preference to long-known and deservedly respected dishes such as mirror carp in sour cream? If the carp is fresh, literally just swam, it won’t be able to tear you off the plate by the ears.

Luck day
  • Personality
    good good bad bad bad
  • Finance
    good good bad bad bad
  • Love
    good good good bad bad
  • Dangers
    good good bad bad bad
  • Family
    good good bad bad bad
  • Education
    good good bad bad bad
  • Trips
    good good good bad bad
  • Health
    good good good good good
  • Work
    good good bad bad bad
  • Friends
    good bad bad bad bad

November 22 — December 21
Talisman Stones
Garnet, ruby and sapphire

“Character traits that distinguish him from others are freedom-loving and honesty. Most of all, Sagittarius values independence. He is energetic and frank.”

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow