Zodiac sign Sagittarius

Horoscope for Sagittarius for yesterday


Your partner today will try your best to please you, which cannot but rejoice. A gift or exciting news awaits you. You look optimistic at tomorrow.


Decide today with your feelings in relation to a person dear to you. Is he your beloved? Friend? Or just nothing more than a habit? Depending on the solution, rebuild your relationship in a new way. Just not very sharply.


Today, especially a bustle day is expected by working in the field of public relations, as well as computer technology. We will have to make a lot of efforts in order to somehow stabilize the situation, which will become more and more inflated with every minute.


Today, you can’t get a fish from the pond without difficulty, no matter how you want it. Try to do everything possible to ensure that the ratio of labor and the amount of fish is optimal for your health.


The erotic background of this day is completely absent-so take care of something useful in the household or surrender to your whole abandoned hobby. If you don’t think about sex, come up with a surprise for your loved one for the future and start preparing today. For example, to make an especially erotic outfit or purchase ingredients for an exciting dish.


This day is good for hot personalities and fiery signs. Eat something sharp. This is not, of course, to burn with a fire within a day after eating, and so - for half an hour -hour. Well, if you don’t want to eat or cannot, give preference to the most hot dishes. The cooled to eat is not worth it in any case.

Luck day
  • Personality
    good good good good good
  • Finance
    good good bad bad bad
  • Love
    good good good good bad
  • Dangers
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Family
    good good bad bad bad
  • Education
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Trips
    good good good bad bad
  • Health
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Work
    good good bad bad bad
  • Friends
    good good good bad bad

November 22 — December 21
Talisman Stones
Garnet, ruby and sapphire

“Character traits that distinguish him from others are freedom-loving and honesty. Most of all, Sagittarius values independence. He is energetic and frank.”

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow