Zodiac sign Libra

Libra horoscope for tomorrow


Today you may find yourself in the center of very close attention from others. When leaving the house, check whether your toilet is in order so that the object of attention is you, and not a torn pocket or multi-colored socks.


Today your chances for personal happiness are greater than ever. Therefore, make every possible and impossible effort to extract maximum benefit and pleasure from this day. Otherwise, later you will really regret that you can’t reach your elbows with your teeth: you won’t even be able to bite.


If troubles await you today, they will be trivial ones, but the joys that come to you will turn out to be profound. It's worth noting, isn't it? Share your luck with others!


We need to drink more! No, not what you were thinking about, but water. Today it’s better not to eat an extra sandwich, replacing it with another cup of tea. Well, of course, unless you have a long journey ahead in a transport devoid of toilets.


Today, Libras tend to conserve their strength and prepare for the next work week, so they won’t show much enthusiasm when their partner proposes sex. Unless, out of a sense of marital duty, they dutifully substitute the necessary parts of the body, while simultaneously thinking about those things that they did not have time to complete...


Today it is recommended to try some national dish. For example, stuffed pike. Moreover, not just stuffed, but according to all the rules - with mushrooms and onions, as befits the best dish of Jewish cuisine. If you don’t want pike, try, well, at least red mullet in Alexandrian style. A wonderful example of Egyptian cuisine...

Luck day
  • Personality
    good good good good bad
  • Finance
    good good bad bad bad
  • Love
    good good good bad bad
  • Dangers
    good good bad bad bad
  • Family
    good good bad bad bad
  • Education
    good good bad bad bad
  • Trips
    good good good good good
  • Health
    good good good bad bad
  • Work
    good bad bad bad bad
  • Friends
    good good bad bad bad

September 23 — October 22
Talisman Stones
Jasper, lapis lazuli, quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, malachite, moonstone and diamond.

“One of the most educated signs of the Zodiac. His main notable character traits: constancy, reliability, benevolence, prudence, dreaminess and impracticality”

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow